Tai-I Hsu
People's Republic of China
Research Article
Cross-Linked Hyaluronic acid can Prevent the Capsular Contracture Formation
Author(s): Ting-Mao Chou, Tai-I Hsu, Chin-Hao Hsu, Leo Shaw, Wen-Ching Wang, Chao-Ming Hung, I-Ming Jou and Yao-Lung KuoTing-Mao Chou, Tai-I Hsu, Chin-Hao Hsu, Leo Shaw, Wen-Ching Wang, Chao-Ming Hung, I-Ming Jou and Yao-Lung Kuo
Introduction: Breast reconstruction using silicone implants is a widespread choice, however, breast capsular contracture (BCC), a response of the immune system to foreign materials, is the most affliction and frustration fibrosis complications after silicone implantation. Chronic inflammation-associated fibrosis is regarded as a main cause of BCC. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is an effective anti-adhesive and anti-fibrotic agent. Furthermore, 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether-cross-linked hyaluronan hydrogel (cHA) is a non-resorbable cross-linked hyaluronan-derived polymer with no cytotoxicity and high stability. This study aims to evaluate the potential of cHA on preventing BCC in breast surgery using silicone implants.
Methods: The effect of cHA on BCC will be examined in breast BCC rat model.
Results: Our study showed that cHA .. View More»