Suada Makeen
Central America
Research Article
Liraglutide Effect on Blood Pressure, Lipids Profile, and Liver Enzymes in Arab Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Prospective LIRA-BPL Study
Author(s): Elamin Abdelgadir Elamin Abdelgadir, Alaaeldin MK Bashier, Fatheya F Al Awadi, Ahmed Tarig Altinay, Mohamed Abdelatif Elsayed, Azza Abdulaziz Khalifa, Fauzia Rashid and Suada MakeenElamin Abdelgadir Elamin Abdelgadir, Alaaeldin MK Bashier, Fatheya F Al Awadi, Ahmed Tarig Altinay, Mohamed Abdelatif Elsayed, Azza Abdulaziz Khalifa, Fauzia Rashid and Suada Makeen
Background: The pathogenetic mechanisms underlying type2 diabetes are quite complex and differ between different ethnic groups. This might results in different responses to medications. Data from LEAD trials showed that liraglutide was associated with significant reduction in weight HbA1c and blood pressure values. Unfortunately there are no enough data on Arab population. Objectives: We aimed to assess the changes in blood pressure, lipids profile, and liver function test upon starting liraglutide and after 6 months of therapy in Arab patients with type 2 diabetes as primary objective. Results: 365 agreed to sign an informed consent. 29% of the studied population was males (n=106) compared to 71% females (n=259). There was no significant change in systolic blood pressure, however average diastolic blood pressure improved significantly (74.4 ± 10 to 72 ± 9 mmHg at 6 mont.. View More»