Sanjay Nagral
Research Article
A Prospective Clinical Study on the Impact of Occupation on Inguinodynia after Inguinal Hernia Repair
Author(s): Ojas Vijayanand Potdar, Nitin Borle, Sanjay Nagral, Shraddha Bhone and Amrita PatkarOjas Vijayanand Potdar, Nitin Borle, Sanjay Nagral, Shraddha Bhone and Amrita Patkar
Inguinodynia is defined as groin pain at or beyond 3 months following inguinal hernia repair. There is limited literature on this problem from India. Studies have investigated role of different risk factors for inguinodynia like mesh, inguinal nerves identification during surgery, technique of repair etc. However, to our knowledge there is no study on the impact of occupation on inguinodynia.Objective: This study attempts to study the role of occupation in incidence of inguinodynia following surgery.Methods: A prospective study was conducted at a secondary care hospital in Mumbai. 152 adult patients with uncomplicated inguinal hernias who underwent repair by open or laparoscopic technique were enrolled over 2 years. Patients were preoperatively questioned regarding the nature of their occupation and presence of pain associated .. View More»