Biological Systems: Open Access

ISSN - 2329-6577


Rybachkova YV

Rybachkova YV


  • Research Article
    Genetic Aspects of the Course and Prognosis of Chronic Heart Failure with Hypertension
    Author(s): Khokhlov AL and Rybachkova YVKhokhlov AL and Rybachkova YV

    Background: Advances in medical science and the introduction of a huge number of new drugs do not reduce the urgency of effective and safe pharmacotherapy. One of the prognostic criteria of high efficiency of pharmacotherapy in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) is considered genetic features of the patient. Materials and methods: Clinical and genetic studies conducted in 111 patients with CHF and arterial hypertension (AH). All patients underwent laboratory and instrumental methods of research. The median age was 63.5+11.6 years. The main cause of heart failure in 90 patients had coronary heart disease (CHD): exertional angina - 64 (57.6%), myocardial infarction (PICS) - 26 (23.4%), and violation of the type of atrial fibrillation of the heart rate - 36 (32.4%). The average duration to CHF 10.5+6.3 years. Polymorphisms of these genes w.. View More»

    DOI: 10.4172/2329-6577.1000177

    Abstract PDF

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