MD Hossain S
Research Article
Phytochemical, Antimicrobial, Anthelminthic and Antidiarroheal Activity of Traditional Plant Randia uliginosa Retz
Author(s): MD Hossain S, MD Al-Amin, MD Hossain A and MD Rana SMD Hossain S, MD Al-Amin, MD Hossain A and MD Rana S
The present study was designed to evaluate the phytochemical, antimicrobial, antidiarroheal, anthelminthic activity of methanol, chloroform and petroleum ether extract of whole plant of Randia uliginosa Retz. (Family- Rubiaceae) by in vivo and in vitro test. Different crude extracts of Randia uliginosa Retz. have been shown to possess phytoconstituents including carbohydrates, alkaloid, glycosides, steroids, tannins and saponin. Concentration 50 mg/mL of methanol extract showed maximum anthelminthic activity which is comparable to the standard (Piperazine Citrate, 10 mg/mL). Methanol extract of R. uliginosa at a dose of 30 μL/disc showed maximum antimicrobial activity. Significant (p<0.01) level of reduction in fecal dropping was found in 250 mg/kg methanol extract and highly significant at 500 mg/kg methanol extract. The maximu.. View More»