Kpadonou TG
Service de Rééducation et de Réadaptation Fonctionnelle,
CNHUHKM, Cotonou, Bénin
Research Article
Conduct Disorders and Family Characteristics in School Children (special issue)
Author(s): Fiossi-Kpadonou E, Fortunato J, Djidonou A, Siranyan S and Kpadonou TGFiossi-Kpadonou E, Fortunato J, Djidonou A, Siranyan S and Kpadonou TG
By their behavior, human beings either succeed in achieving social integration or reveal the symptoms of some pathology. Objective: To determine family characteristics of schoolchildren with conduct disorders (CD). Methods: Prospective transversal study, with a descriptive and analytical scope, carried out from June 10th to July 12th 2013. The sample is made up of 235 schoolchildren registered for the 2012/2013 academic year in schools in Parakou. Parent-child relations were evaluated using the parental acceptance and rejection scale of Rohner and Khaleque in several dimensions. Results: Of the 235 schoolchildren considered, 44 had an exclusive CD, giving a prevalence rate of 18.7%. Slight CD stood at 38.6% while severe cases stood at 9.1%; sex-ratio for CD was 1.31; 40.9% of the children presenting these disorders were aged 10 years. 38.6% of them had made satisfactory progress in sc.. View More»