Research Article
Glycemic Variability and Mean Weekly Glucose in the Evaluation and Treatment of Blood Glucose in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; Evidence for Lower Neonatal Complications
Author(s): Tatiana Munhoz da Rocha Lemos Costa, Josiane Melchioretto Detsch, Augusto Pimazoni-Netto, Ana Cristina Ravazzani de Almeida, Shoshana Sztal-Mazer, Larissa Marques Tondin de Oliveira, Dênis José Nascimento and Rosângela Roginski RéaTatiana Munhoz da Rocha Lemos Costa, Josiane Melchioretto Detsch, Augusto Pimazoni-Netto, Ana Cristina Ravazzani de Almeida, Shoshana Sztal-Mazer, Larissa Marques Tondin de Oliveira, Dênis José Nascimento and Rosângela Roginski Réa
Background : Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) incurs a risk of morbidity and mortality to mother, fetus and subsequent neonate which necessitates intensive monitoring and treatment. Recently, weekly blood glucose and, more importantly, glycemic variability have been explored as means of assessing glycemic control and altering management in type 2 diabetes. For the first time in GDM, we aimed to assess the applicability of these methods and determine whether they affect complications.
Methods : We conducted a prospective, randomized un-blinded single centre study (n=30) where the intervention arm (n=15) was assessed and managed using seven point self blood glucose monitoring, glycemic variability and mean blood glucose while the control arm received standard GDM management. Blood glucose variables, glycemic target achie.. View More»