Christopher J Salgado
1120 NW 14th St., 4th Floor Miami, Florida 33136
Penile Reconstruction
Author(s): Christopher J Salgado, Sarah Eidelson, Rachael Madalon and Zhongyi SunChristopher J Salgado, Sarah Eidelson, Rachael Madalon and Zhongyi Sun
A wide variety of surgical options exist for penile reconstruction. They key to success, however, is not only in choosing the most functional operation, but also focusing on both the physiological and psychological management of the patient. In this article, we review reconstructive modalities for various partial and total penile defects, as well as the buried penis. Our description of recent scientific advances and the emphasis on a holistic approach to patient care, may promise new options in penile reconstruction and help both patients and physicians achieve the best end result. .. View More»