Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Citations Report

Surgery: Current Research : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Surgery: Current Research have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Surgery: Current Research has got h-index 25, which means every article in Surgery: Current Research has got 25 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Surgery: Current Research.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

64 27 9 13 14

Conference proceedings

15 15 0 0 162

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

832 900 751 673 640
Journal total citations count 5864
Journal impact factor 19.46
Journal 5 years impact factor 30.37
Journal cite score 28.43
Journal h-index 25
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
Important Citations

Ghanghoria, Shikha, et al. "Pattern of palpable breast lesions on fine needle aspiration cytology: a retrospective and prospective analysis of 1,000 cases." International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health 5.1 (2016): 97-101.

Singh, Sandeep, and Jyoti Priyadarshini Shrivastava. "Prospects of fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast lesions from a tertiary care center of central India: Data from an untouched region." Journal of Cancer Policy 13 (2017): 5-10.

Sharif, Aamir, et al. "Cytomorphological patterns of palpable breast lesions diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology in females." European Journal of Inflammation 18 (2020): 2058739220946140.

Madan, Manas, et al. "Cytomorphological study of spectrum of breast lesions and determination of efficacy of FNAC in the diagnosis of various breast lesions." J Evol Med Dent Sci 4.55 (2015): 9581-7.

Madan, Manas, et al. "Cytomorphological study of spectrum of breast lesions and determination of efficacy of FNAC in the diagnosis of various breast lesions." J Evol Med Dent Sci 4.55 (2015): 9581-7.

Velu, Ambedkar Raj Kulandai, Banushree C. Srinivasamurthy, and Jhansi Rani. "Cytological evaluation of benign breast lesions with histopathological correlation." Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 3.1 (2016): 7-10.

Velu, Ambedkar Raj Kulandai, Banushree C. Srinivasamurthy, and Jhansi Rani. "Cytological evaluation of benign breast lesions with histopathological correlation." Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 3.1 (2016): 7-10.

Ibikunle, David E., John A. Omotayo, and Olufemi O. Ariyibi. "Fine needle aspiration cytology of breast lumps with histopathologic correlation in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria: a five-year review." Ghana medical journal 51.1 (2017): 1-5.

Chandanwale, Shirish S., et al. "Pattern of palpable breast lesions on fine needle aspiration: A retrospective analysis of 902 cases." Journal of mid-life health 5.4 (2014): 186.

Ibrahim, Nadia Youhana, and Samira Abdul-Hussain Abdulla. "Epidemiological Assessment of ovarian cancer in some northern Iraqi provinces." Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 26.2 (2021): 60-64.

Abdullah, Samira Abdul-Hussain. "Retrospective and prospective ovarian cancer comparison in few Iraqi provinces." Tikrit Journal of Pure Science 24.4 (2019): 1-3.

Gharib, Mahmoud Ahmed, et al. "Epidemiology of ovarian cancer in Assiut Governorate, Egypt." International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology 7.11 (2018): 4575-4581.

Sierra, Jose Manuel, et al. "Evaluation of a rapid prototyping application for stomas." Rapid Prototyping Journal (2020).

Salmi, Mika, et al. "Workflow for 3D printing of medical models–phases, timeline and costs." Le Courrier de la Transplantation 18.1-2 (2018): 41-47.

Kirby, Benjamin, et al. "Three-dimensional (3D) synthetic printing for the manufacture of non-biodegradable models, tools and implants used in surgery: a review of current methods." Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 45.1 (2021): 14-21.

Singh, Ramandeep, et al. "Virtual repository of microscopic and neuro-endoscopic instrumentation in neurosurgery." 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). IEEE, 2016.

Sathyadeep, M. K., Dayanand Pai, and ShyamSundar Sankar. "Bioactive materials for 3D printing: A review." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2317. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2021.

Zhao, Xiao, et al. "Additive Manufacturing for Metallic Medical Devices." Available at SSRN 3632519.

Sierra, Jose Manuel, et al. "Evaluation of a rapid prototyping application for stomas." Rapid Prototyping Journal (2020).

Pandurangan, T. "ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING IN MEDICINE." Asian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol 2.2 (2019): 88.
