Journal of Kidney

ISSN - 2472-1220


Uremia, produced by the toxic effects of abnormally high concentrations of nitrogenous substances in the blood as a result of the kidney’s failure to expel waste products by way of the urine. Uremia can result from any disorder that impairs the functioning of the kidneys or that hinders the excretion of urine from the body.The end products of protein metabolism accumulate in the blood but are normally filtered out when the blood passes through the kidneys.

The symptoms of uremia are Fatigue, lassitude, and a loss of mental concentration may be among the first signs. The patient may experience persistent itching sensations, along with muscle twitching. dry and flaky skin. dry mouth with metallic taste, breath has a distinct ammonia like odour. Loss of appetite progresses to nausea and vomiting; episodes of diarrhea and constipation may occur.

Related Journals of Uremia

Journal of Kidney, Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, Kidney International, Kidney Research and Clinical Practice, Kidney International Supplements.
