Huang Wei Ling
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gen Med
Statement of the Problem: Anxiety is described as â??a diffuse, unpleasant, vague sense of apprehensionâ?. It is often a response to an imprecise or unknown threat. It is not the result of a known or specific threat. Rather it comes from your mindâ??s vision of the possible dangers that may result in the situation. Anxiety is a common feeling among Western patients that can be accompanied by fear and constant worry, which are two of the seven emotions treated in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Purpose: To demonstrate that the root of the anxiety symptoms could be at the bodyâ??s energy level caused by the imbalance of Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and Heat Retention and that these symptoms could be treated without the use of any psychotropic medication. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: Research of over 1500 patient records who had undergone auricular acupuncture treatment at a Medical Acupuncture Clinic in Brazil. From these, 97 (6.5%) had anxiety symptoms. Attempts were made to contact all of them by phone however only 46 (3.06%) were reached. The energy disturbances according to TCM of these patients were noted. A questionnaire was filled by phone which included a hospital anxiety evaluation scale (HAES) test â?? before and after auricular acupuncture. Findings: 80% of patients reported significant improvement in their anxiety symptoms in the first month of treatment with auricular acupuncture. 46% of patients evaluated the treatment as excellent and 54% as good. Conclusion & Significance: Anxiety, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is triggered by the imbalance of the Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood energies, with consequent formation of internal heat. In this study, we can demonstrate that anxiety can be treated without the use of any psychotropic medication.
Huang Wei Ling has completed her Graduation in Medicine in Brazil, specializing in infectious and parasitic diseases, General Practitioner, Parenteral and Enteral Medical Nutrition Therapist, Acupuncture and Pain Management Practitioner. Since 2007, she has been disseminating the knowledge of Oriental medicine, especially Traditional Chinese Medicine, in various places around the world, in the treatment of the various pathologies of the human body. She is the Owner of Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic.