Daniela Maria do Amaral Ferraz Navarro
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Nat Prod Chem Res
In 2004 the first publication of our group showed a mortality and deterrent effect promoted in presence of NaCl in Aedes aegypti oviposition sites. In 2009, we studied the activities of essential oil of Piper marginatum as deterrent and larvicidal effect. The same studies were performed to essential oils from Alpinia purpurata, Croton rhamnifolioides, Commiphora leptophloeos and Etlingera elatior. Recently, we used electrophysiology technique (EAD) to identify compounds responsible to deterrent effect in oils and provide evidences of their effect in oviposition bioassays. (E)-Caryophyllene, α-Humulene, dodecanal and n-dodecanol were proved deterrent compounds by our group; they were identified by EAD and tested in oviposition bioassays.
Email: navarrix@uol.com.br