Saima Alwani
Tabba Heart Institute, Pakistan
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Gen Med (Los Angeles)
Radial artery occlusion and spasm are the most widespread concerns that occur with transradial procedures. Vascular complications such as perforations, forearm hematomas and pseudoaneurysm formations are less common. Forearm hematoma, that can occur after transradial coronary angioplasty, is the main cause of patient anxiety and sometimes can lead to compartment syndrome. A quality project was done over two consecutive quarters in Cardiac Step Down Unit of a tertiary care centre where it was identified that patients particularly undergoing left heart catheterization or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with transradial bands are developing hematomas at radial site. Forearm hematoma formation is easily preventable. To reduce the number of incidences and complications of hematomas, nurses working in Cardiac Step Down Unit were assessed for their assessment and reassessment of transradial site. Several measures were taken to educate nursing staff, particularly teaching on assessing transradial site which includes discoloration at radial site, tenderness, oozing, swelling, pain assessment and reassessment, SPO2 wave form monitoring, bleeding from transradial site, monitoring of peripheral pulses, etc. Easy Hematoma Classification Grading was taught as a part of skill review.Assessment and reassessment of transradial site was also taught in orientation programme for novice nurses at hospital. The graph represents the percentage of hematomas over 6 months related to transradial site. The early identification and prompt interventions during assessment and reassessment of transradial site resulted into reduction of hematomas and had a major impact on quality of life of patient.