Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Total pancreatectomy for the treatment of pancreatic neoplasm, when is indicated?

3rd International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia

November 17-19, 2014 Chicago, USA

Flavio Antonio de Sa Ribeiro

Keynote: Surgery Curr Res

Abstract :

Total pancreatectomy is an operation that has been associated in the past with high morbity and mortality, high operative problems and a very difficult outcome. The main concern with this operation was related to potential problems with unstable diabetes, in especially hypoglycemia. Nowadays, TP increase in importance to the treatment of pancreatic neoplasm with multifocal disease, for pre-malignant tumors such as IPMN or, in cases when the resection margin at the pancreatic neck shows compromise by the neoplasm. In our experience TP should be considered in selective cases for treatment of pancreatic neoplasm if it allows complete clearance. The procedure does not appear to be associated with significant increase in serious complication compared with pancreaticoduodenectomy (Wipple procedure).

Biography :

Flavio Antonio de Sa Ribeiro is Headman Surgery Professor of Universidade Fundacao Serra dos Orgaos, Research Headman and Surgeon of Hospital Federal de Bonsucesso/Ministerio da Saude-Governo Federal. He is Entitled Member of Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes, Doctorated in Surgery by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Associated Surgery Professor of Universidade Gama Filho.
