Rodolfo Borsaro Bueno Jorge and Aline Saraiva Martins
Federal University of Ceara, Brazil
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Anaplastology
The ear is the most common site for body piercing and it has grown in popularity in the past decade, especially “high” piercing through the cartilage of the pinna. The most complications include local and systemic infections, allergic contact dermatitis, keloid formation, and traumatic tearing. Keloid is a tumor resulting from an abnormal overgrowth of fibrous tissue following injury in certain predisposed person. Treatment options consist of surgical excision, intra-lesional corticosteroid injections, cryosurgery, pressure dressing, radiation, and laser therapy. A 20-year-old female presents to her physician because for 3 years she has had increasing an extensive keloid of the mid to upper ear helix left after introducing an ear piercing. Treatment involved carefully elliptical dissection of part of the lesion with intramural tissue excision and removed part of the ear conch cartilage. Then the edges are approximated with 5.0 nylon interrupted sutures without tension followed by intralesional administration of corticosteroid. It was used a compressive triamcinolone dressing for 14 days and weekly intralesional corticosteroid injections for 1 month. The surgical method varies according to the location, size and cosmetic considerations of the lesion; beside of that, the time and instrumental needed perform the surgery are much important also. The effects of corticosteroids are due to suppressive effects on the wound inflammation that is results in reduction of collagen, glycosaminoglycan synthesis and inhibition of fibroblast growth. Numerous management strategies have been proposed for ear keloid treatment but none of these is ideal. Better results are obtained using various combinations of the therapies mentioned above than in monotherapy, especially when the lesion has extensive proportions.
Rodolfo Borsaro Bueno Jorge has obtained Medical Residency in Otolaryngology and Facial Surgery Cervico in the Faculty of Medicine of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo. He is member of the Brazilian Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (ABCPF), Member of the Brazilian Academy of Skull and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABCCMF) and Member of the Brazilian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology/Neck and Facial Surgery (ABORLCCF). He is preceptor of facial plastic surgery of Otorhinolaryngology discipline of the Federal University of Ceará, coordinator of ENT emergency São Carlos Hospital, President of the Medical Ethics Committee of the São Carlos Hospital (2016-2018). He is working on a Doctorate project in the University of São Paulo (USP Ribeirao Preto, SP). He has also written book chapters related to otoplasty and rhinoplasty and some scientific articles. He is former financial Director of Otolaryngology of Ceará State Cooperative (2008-2012).