Vincent Lwangai
Rainbow House of Hope, Uganda
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gen Med (Los Angeles)
Although there is some evidence that HIV/AIDS related discrimination and stigma is declining among families and communities, this continues to be a significant issue in Uganda. HIV/AIDS, is often a taboo issue, fear of disclosure leads to secrecy and denial while fair treatment of PLWHA, OVC and caregivers is preached, when a real situation arises the response is quite different. How can we facilitate attitudinal and behavioral change in this area? Description: Elderly Widows Orphans Family Support (EWOFS) uses behavior change process to enable all to live a fuller life amidst and beyond the HIV/AIDS pandemic included in this approach is an anti-stigma method: (i) Asking searching questions: How would you feel, think and act if a loved one or friend is diagnosed HIV+? Is HIV/AIDS a punishment from God? Are there people who deserve to be infected? Would you tell your spouse if you were HIV+? Inviting a positive person, who remains unknown until the 3rd day of the program and then discloses, while participants note their feelings after disclosure. (ii) The program’s non-judgmental approach helps people to reveal their status voluntarily. Methodology: (i) Information on stigma and discrimination (ii) Exercises to identify and challenge stigma e.g. The “hot seat” – USAID stigma Toolkit (iii) Stigma codes and videos to help analyze stigma and its impact. (iv) New advocacy programmes – Orphans and Vulnerable Children, PLWHAs and care givers couples. Lessons Learnt: (i) The stigmatized more easily process emotions in neutral environments. (ii) Group discussions make people free, open, and honest. (iii) At first, anonymity is a priority. At the end, disclosure and group support is more important. Recommendations: Spread the word: - Stigma and discrimination are vices. They spread HIV/AIDS, inhibit VCT attendance and make disclosure difficult. Sensitization empowers individuals to fight these vices, starting with self – stigmatization – involves children as a target group – Use several approaches.
Vincent Lwangai is a Director for, Elderly Widows Orphans Family Support. Elderly Widows Orphans Family Support is a registered community based organization in Sipi, Kapchorwa district, eastern Uganda. It supports children with education one on one sponsorship, HIV awareness and prevention, vocational training for school dropout.