Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Research on diabetes type 1

2nd Global Summit on Hormones and Endocrine Disorders

June 27-28, 2016 New Orleans, USA

Bamidele Louis Ogaga

Rodwell Healthcare Services, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Steroids Hormon Sci

Abstract :

Diabetes is essentially too much sugar in the blood this occurs, when the pancreas produces either no insulin or insufficient or ineffective insulin, the hormone that stimulates cells to absorb and store glucose (sugar). Sugar normally comes from starches in the diet and is also released from storage molecules in the liver that act like spare batteries giving you energy when you need it.If the insulin cannot handle glucose blood sugar levels rise abnormally causing much havoc, including excessive urination and thirst, weakness, fatigue and cardiovascular and kidney damage. This happens when rather than helping sugar to go into the cells; it simply lets it build up in the blood. There are two main types of diabetes. The more severe, less common type 1 diabetes strikes children and sometimes young adults usually under age 35. Since cells of the pancreas that secrete insulin are gradually destroyed presumably by some sort of immune reaction, type 1 diabetes must take insulin injections because their pancreas produces virtually no insulin. Type 1 is also known as insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. This type 1 diabetes are caused by the chain reaction of events that emanates from the microbes and parasites in the organs. The immune system may be attacking its own cells because the immune system has been weakened by microbes and parasites in the organs or the damage may be done by microbes and parasites attacking the organs directly. The solution to curing type 1 diabetes lies with killing the microbes and parasites inside the organs because it is weak organs (weakened by the microbes and parasites) that are causing the immune system to be weak or are attacking the organs directly. Some of the microbes that can cause type 1 diabetes include: cytomegalovirus (which is in the herpes family (Herpes viridael or herpes virus), and can be related to chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis, etc, hepatitis C virus, enterovirus Ljungen virus and others. Wood alcohol invites pancreatic flukes to use the pancreas as a secondary host. This leads to pancreatic dysfunction which we call diabetes. Says Dr. Hulda Clark so we see that the microbes and or parasites, such as pancreatic flukes can be weakening the immune system or can be causing the pancreases to dysfunction directly. Also especially intriguing is the prospect that the onset of type 1 diabetes may be fostered by very complex �??delayed allergic reactions�?� to food constituents, such as protein in milk. Cucumber juice, Jerusalem artichoke juice, yarrow tea has endocrine release similar to insulin. Best overall for diabetes would be dandelion, lemon balm which stimulates liver, kidneys and spleen. Easily metabolized and useful are also string beans, bananas; juice of onions and garlic which can be added to other vegetables. Citrus fruits and the white of citrus, vernonia amygdaline (bitter leaf), moringaElaifera are also very useful and helpful with infeclinz and diab-T intakes.

Biography :

Bamidele Louis Ogaga 1955–1967, he attended St. Patrick number one primary school Sapele, and St. Peter Claver College, Aghalokpi, all in Delta State, Nigeria. For his higher school certificate, He went to Government College, Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria in 1968 and Federal School of Science, Onikan, Lagos from 1968 to 1970. He set up A clinic in 1993, specializing in Nutritional Medicine. He is the only person Nigeria that is practicing this form of medicine.

