Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Relationship Between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity And Vitamin D Defi ciency

20th International Conference on Diabetes, Nutrition, Obesity & Eating Disorders

May 24-25, 2021 | Webinar

Pankiv Ivan

Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, 58002, Ukraine

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Diab Metab

Abstract :

Previous epidemiologic studies suggested that vitamin D defi ciency may be a risk factor of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). However, the result is still controversial. Type 2 DM and obesity are widely prevalent in Ukraine. The aim of the study was to determine the vitamin D status in relation to type 2 DM and obesity. This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Bukovinian State Medical University from June to September 2019. Approval of ethical committee was taken. A total of 402 patients with type 2 DM and obesity were enrolled in this study. Vitamin D status was assessed using 25(OH)D levels. Height and weight of the patients were recorded to obtain BMI. Of the total sample, 283 (70.4%) were females and 119 (29.6%) were males. Mean age of the participants was 47.28±14.83 years. Mean vitamin D levels were 19.03±6.91 ng/ml. A total of 373 (92.8%) patients were either vitamin D defi cient 171 (42.5%) or insuffi cient 202 (50.2%) while 29 (7.2%) were suffi cient in vitamin D. As regards BMI and vitamin D status, the difference was statistically signifi cant (p=0.014). Vitamin D defi ciency is widely prevalent in Ukraine. There is also a high prevalence of obesity and type 2 DM and they are inversely related to low vitamin D levels.

Biography :

Pankiv I. has completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from Ternopil State Medical University and postdoctoral studies from Kyiv Research Institute of Gerontology National Academy of Meducal Sciences of Ukjraine. He is Associate Professor of Departnent of Clinacal Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology at Bukovinian State Medical University. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of International Journal of Endocrinology (Ukraine).
