Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Quantitation of endogenous steroid hormones-What to do about the â??accuracy problemâ?

Global Summit on Steroids

July 13-15, 2015 Baltimore, USA

Jim Settlage

inventive Health, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Steroids Hormon Sci

Abstract :

At a recent symposium on the subject of the analysis of estrogens this question was raised. ??What can we do about the frequent inaccuracy of existing estrogen assays?? This presentation will address that question. Why do we have inaccurate assays and what, if anything, can we do about it. It will show that reliance on MS/MS is not supported by the biochemistry of steroid synthesis and the nature of MS/MS. It explore the challenges of meeting the needs of the research community using traditional diagnostic methodology. Finally a case will be made for the importance of chromatography because accuracy can not be achieved without specificity.

Biography :

Jim Settlage received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley and his PhD from the University of California at Davis under the tutelage of the late Professor Walter Jennings. He began his career in bioanalysis at LAB, in Neu Ulm, Germany in 1981. In that role he was among those instrumental in introducing GC-MS to the field of bioanalysis. He has since served as the Director of R&D at PPD in Richmond, Virginia and Vice President of Lab Operations at Taylor Technology, now inventive Health Clinical in Princeton, New Jersey. He has served on FDA advisory panels as an expert bioanalytical scientist and was also a presenter and participant at the 2001 Crystal City conference on bioanalaytial method validation. He now serves as a Senior Research Investigator for the inVentiv Health Clinical Lab in Princeton, NJ.

