Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Primary traumatic anterior dislocation of the shoulder: Epidemiology and risk factors of recurrences

12th International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia

August 17-18, 2018 Singapore

Karol Szyluk

District Hospital of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Poland

Keynote: Surgery Curr Res

Abstract :

Introduction: Shoulder joint is the most often dislocated joint in the human body. This is associated with unique structural and biomechanical features of the joint. The shoulder joint is a free ball-and-socket multiaxial joint with a large range of motion, thanks to size ratio of 3:1 between the humeral head and the glenoid cavity, flexible and spacious joint capsule, such anatomical configuration in not allowing for very stable shoulder congruence. Purpose: To study the incidence of primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation, epidemiology and risk factors of recurrences in entire polish population. Methods: A retrospective study of polish population from 1st of January 2010 to 1st of January 2015. This study analyzed incidence rate of primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation registered in polish National Health System (NFZ) database. Data were collected in the electronic database accordingly with the applicable legal provisions regarding the protection of personal information in Poland. The basic demographic indices were obtained from Central Statistical Office of Poland. Main inclusion criteria were: Diagnosis and code of primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in a hospital emergency department during the study period. Study included only patients who were residents of Poland. To evaluate population (non-modifiable) risk factors in the study group, recurrent shoulder dislocations was coded during that period. Results: Incidence rate of primary traumatic anterior dislocations of the shoulder joint in Poland ranged from 24.75 dislocations/100000 persons/year to 29.09 dislocations/100000 persons/year, on average 26.69/100000 persons/year with peak among females 80 years old and above. The highest risk of recurrences was in group of young males in the age group between 20-29 years old. Conclusion: Overall incidence of primary anterior traumatic dislocation in Poland is 26.69/100000 persons/year with peak among females 80 years old and above. The most important risk factors for recurrences are male sex and third decade of life.

Biography :

Szyluk K is currently working as the Deputy Head of the Department VI at the District Hospital of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Poland. He has 30 scientific papers to his credit. He was a participant, organizer and speaker at many international scientific conferences and a Scientific Reviewer of papers in magazines.


