Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Midlife crisis during the female Hormonal transition: Female, fat and forty?

International Summit on Hormonal Disorders

November 21-22, 2022 | Webinar

Hilde Lofqvist

Innsbruck University

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Steroids Horm Sci

Abstract :

The menopausal transition is often accompanied by complaints leading to health problems. As a health professional it is crucial to identify those symptoms and apprehensions and help the woman to understand the signs of hormonal decline and what to do about them. The Menopause Rating Scale is a tool easily used for evaluation of climacteric symptoms like hot flushes, sleeping disorders, mood and other mental problems, sexual disorders and complaints in the urinary tract, joints and muscles. However, weight gain is not included as a typical sign for menopause, but a very annoying concern for many women who reach the menopause. Research has shown beneficial effects of Menopausal Hormone Therapy also for preventing weight gain. The benefits of Menopausal Hormone Treatment have often been ignored because of the fear for potential risks. There are many myths about the danger of hormone therapy. A woman during midlife crisis expects her health provider to listen and understand her problems concerning climacteric problems including weight concerns in order to accept hormone treatment.

Biography :

Hilde Löfqvist, M.D. at Innsbruck University, Austria, is a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology in Stockholm. Studies in cognitive therapy and clinical experience with thousands of women treated with hormones during and after the menopause. Published a Swedish book for the climacteric woman 2019, translated into Danish, Norwegian and Finnish, with comments from professional experts from the country involved. Revised and updated book 2021 in German and a textbook for medical professionals in English 2022, see references, both published at Springer. Evidence-based medicine is combined with the author's practical clinical experience in diagnosis and treatment of female hormone transition and menopause.
