Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Melanoma mimickers: Diagnostic pitfalls

Joint Event on International Conference on Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery & International Conference & Expo on Dermatopathology & Skin Care

August 31-September 01, 2018 | Toronto, Canada

Ying Guo

Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology, USA

Keynote: Surgery Curr Res

Abstract :

Melanoma, a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes, is the most aggressive and life-threatening skin tumor. The incidence of melanoma has been rising in the past few decades, and melanoma still leads to >90% of skin cancer death. Because of its phenotypic diversity, making an accurate diagnosis could be challenging both clinically and histopathologically. Histopathology still remains the gold standard for the diagnosis. However, there are mimickers that may range from reactive to neoplastic processes and may be from multiple histogenetic lines. Misdiagnosis as a melanoma is more likely to occur when a lesion is pigmented, and histopathologically less differentiated. Overdiagnosis or under diagnosis will significantly affect the patients care. Careful routine histologic examination in conjunction with an immunohistochemical study is essential in order to make an accurate diagnosis or exclude the diagnosis of melanoma. This presentation would be helpful to identify melanoma mimickers and to avoid the diagnostic confusion.

Biography :

Ying Guo is a dermatopathologist and currently serves as the medical director at Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology, New York City. Guo graduated from China Medical University and finished her Dermatology training in China Medical University Hospital, and Pathology training in Jefferson University Hospital where she also did her fellowship in Dermatopathology directed by Dr A Bernard Ackerman. She had been working at Ackerman Academy of Dermatopathology since it was founded. She has been diagnosing dermpath cases, teaching fellows and residents, and has published over 60 papers, and as a co-author, 7 textbooks in the field.


