Ghania Masri
University of Florida, USA
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Gen Med
Obesity is an epidemic that significantly affects the healthcare system in the world and especially in the USA. AMA declares obesity as a chronic disease in 2003. Managing Obesity impose a big challenge to the healthcare providers and has great implication given the associated health risk with obesity including DM, CAD, liver disease, cancer, osteoarthrisit, depression and all over mortality. Obesity and overweight have been associated with increasing health care costs and mortality. AHA/ACC/TOS published guidelines in 2013 to help primary care physician manage patients with obesity and overweight. First it is important to identify patients who need to lose weight by measuring BMI and assess risk factors for CVD and obesity related comorbidities. Life style modification is the corner stone for managing obesity and it is important to assess patient to achieve weight loss and identify barriers to success. In the last few years, FDA approved four new medication as an adjunctive therapy to behavioral therapy for weight loss. Long term medication is indicated for patients with BMI ≥ 30 kg/m² or BMI ≥ than 27 Kg/m² with comorbidities. Primary care physicians should discuss with patients the risk and potential side effects and determine if benefits outweigh the risks. Weight loss medication usually helps patients to adhere to law calories diet and maintain weight loss. Locaserin, Phentermine- Tpoiramate ER, Naltrexon-Bupropion SR and Saxenda are the approved medication in 2012- 2014. There is no one size fit all, patient shared decision making will lead to a successful weight loss plan.
Ghania Masri graduated from Medical School in 1989 and she have more than 30 years’ experience in academic medicine, currently she is an associate professor in the department of medicine at University of Florida, Jacksonville and play a leadership role in outpatient medical service as a medical director. Sheserve as a senior editor of Cureus Jounal and member on American Board of Internal Medicine item writing task force. She served as a co-investigator in multiple studies and receive neumorus exemplary teaching awards.