Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Bariatric surgery worldwide. Indications and effectiveness

15th Global Diabetes & Obesity Conference

November 14-15, 2016 Dubai, UAE

Fausta Micanti

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Keynote: J Diabetes Metab

Abstract :

Bariatric surgery is currently considered the most effective treatment option for morbid obesity. There has been a constant increase in the total number of bariatric procedures performed worldwide over the past 10 years. Within the total number of procedures performed, worldwide trends over the past 10 years show a decrease in the number of gastric bypass (RYGB);nevertheless, this operation still represents the most performed bariatric/metabolic operation throughout the world. The analysis of the regional trends demonstrate that only in Latin/South America, and less evidently in Europe, does RYGB remains the most performed bariatric/metabolic procedure; in the other regions (USA/Canada and Asia Pacific), it has been overtaken by Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG), which has become the most frequently performed procedure in these regions. (Angrisani 2013) From the position statement of National Institutes of Health (NIH) 1991that underline that. ā??Gastrointestinal surgery (gastric restriction [vertical gastric banding] or gastric bypass [Roux-en Y]) can result in substantial weight loss, and therefore is an available weight loss option for well-informed and motivated patients with a BMI 40 or 35, who have comorbid conditions and acceptable operative risksā?, the indications for bariatric surgery have been increased above all for diabetes type2 and hypertension. International and Italian guidelines underlines that a multidisciplinary screening before and after bariatric surgery is necessary for improving the effectiveness. The multidisciplinary team is basically formed by clinician and psychologist and/or psychiatrist, but endocrinologists, cardiologist and diabetes specialists are involved at the screening time for investigating physical and mental patients status . The effectiveness of bariatric surgery is improved by a good compliance determined by nutritional prescription and psychological support Many studies compare bariatric surgery versus medical treatment for obesity. Bariatric surgery results in greater improvement in weight loss outcomes and obesity-related comorbidities when compared with non-surgical interventions, regardless of the type of surgical procedure used Actually bariatric surgery can be considered the gold standard therapy for severe obesity and metabolic disease.

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