Tatiana Romantsova
Moscow State Medical University, Russian Federation
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Diabetes Metab
As in many other developed nations, the problem of obesity and diabetes is acute in Russia, where there prevalence is approximate 24.1% (28 million people) and 12% (8.5 million people) of the population respectively. In Russia, the only combination of sibutramine and metformine (Reduxin®Met) is authorized to reduce weight and prevention development of type 2 diabetes mellitus or its complication. In order to implement the principles of active monitoring of the efficacy and safety of Reduxin®Met in the current clinical practice and to develop a skill of reasonable prescribing the observation study ???AVRORA??? was conducted in 2015-2017 under the auspices of Endocrinology Research Centre and the Russian Association of Endocrinologists. "AVRORA" study was attended by 259 endocrinologists and 5.812 patients with obesity and diabetes. The Duration of Reduxine®Met treatment was determined by the attending physician up to 6 months. Reduxine®Met was being added to the diabetes therapy, that was chosen by the attending physician, prior to the patient's participation in the program. The BMI reducing dynamics during 6 months was 5.4±2.3 kg/m2. The average waist circumference reduction was 13.8±7.4 sm. The average fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c reduction were 2±1.6 mmol/l and 1.2±1.1% respectively. It was shown that the weight loss during prolonged Reduxine®Met therapy under the supervision of a physician was associated with decreased levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and had no affect on heart rate. In ???AVRORA??? study it was shown that addition of Reduxine®Met (sibutramine+metformine) to the complex therapy of the diabetes in combination with obesity according to approved indications is safe and effective for long-term treatment in regards to weight loss, regulation of lipemic index, glucose profile and quality of life.
Tatiana Romantsova is a professor at department of endocrinology in Sechenov University, Moscow (2002 – present). Her previous professional experience includes research associate, Associate Professor; Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Education: Medical Institute, Vinnitsa, Ukraine, USSR (the degree of medical doctor); Postgraduate Education: Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. Main scientific areas: obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, neuroendocrinology. She is the author of 210 scientific articles in this field. She has membership membership in professional various organizations: Russian Association of Endocrinologists, Head of section “Metabolic syndrome. Obesity”; (Obesity and Metabolism), Quarterly Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal; - Scientific Editor.
E-mail: romantsovatatiana@rambler.ru