Jalal Taneera
Accepted Abstracts: J Diabetes Metab
I mpaired insulin secretion from pancreatic islets represents a key pathogenic defect in type 2 diabetes (T2D). To date, More than 48 common genetic variants associated with T2D have been identified which explain only 15% of the diseases heritability. Thereby, there is a need for alternative approaches to identity novel genes for T2D. We have been fortunate to have a large collection of human pancreatic islets from cadaver donors. These islets were systematically characterized by performing cDNA microarray and GWAS in addition to measuring insulin response to glucose and HbA1c.
Jalal Taneera has completed his Ph.D. at the age of 33 years from Lund University, department of islets patho-physiology and postdoctoral studies from the same university. He is senior scientist at department of Diabetes and endocrinology at Lund University. He has published more than 18 papers in reputed journals on diabetes research.