Flavia Secco Tavares de Souza
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Surgery Curr Res
A retrospective study was done at First Surgical Clinic of Federal Hospital of Bonsucesso, on ward in patients with a diagnostic of colorectal adenocarcinoma hospitalized between January 2010 and December 2012, and followed outpatients until December 2013 (227 patients). The patients were divided into three groups: Those who were submitted to a conventional resection (152 patients), those who were submitted to a video laparoscopic approaching (57 patients) and finally those who, while the ward hospitalization needed an emergency approaching because of an obstruction and/or bleeding (27 patients). Each group was analyzed in relation to age, time of hospitalization, postsurgical staging and complications (Clavien`s Classification). The groups were compared among themselves evaluating the comparative significance of the studied variables. The statistical evaluation highlighted three variables: Time of hospitalization, complications and staging. Most of the patients who were submitted to an emergency surgery had a shorter time of hospitalization (p=0.00000497). The lower incidence of complications was related to the group who was submitted to the video laparoscopic surgery (p=0.002072). On the elective conventional surgeries the percentage of death was high. Besides, a high percentage of patients submitted to the video laparoscopic surgery were in earliest stages of the disease. On the other hand, as expected, a high percentage of patients submitted to the emergency surgery was in more advanced stages of the disease (p=0.047).
Flavia Secco Tavares de Souza is doing Medicine Graduation Course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Federal Hospital of Bonsucesso. She is a participant of the study group formed by: Dr. Flavio Antonio Sa Ribeiro.