Reconstructive Surgery & Anaplastology

ISSN - 2161-1173

A clinical study showing the effect of an ayurvedic regimen on acne vulgaris

International Conference and Exhibition on Cosmetology & Cosmetics

November 23-24, 2012 Hyderabad International Convention Centre, India

Kartikey, Rao Niranjan and Shreekanth U

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Anaplastology

Abstract :

Acne is the scourge of mankind and the travesty of youth. Acne is the most common skin disease facing mankind; it afflicts 89% of seventeen year olds to some degree. Ayurveda is the most ancient Health System & healing science of the world. So we decided to take the help of this ancient system of science to fight against this achne vulgaris. Achne is a chronic inflammatory condition of the pilosebaceousfollicles on the face and upper trunk. It is characterized by the development of comedones (Black heads), papules, pustules and cysts which may resolve to leave pitted scars. In ayurvedic classics we get the information about this disease in the name of yuvan pidika, The eruptions like Salmali thorn, on the face during adulthood, caused by Kapha, Vata and Rakta are known as 'Yuvan Pidika'. (Su. Ni.13/37). The early first description of (achne vulgaris) yuvan pidka is given in book named charaka samhita of 2 nd B.C. In Caraka Samhita it is not described as separatechapter but in (tristreshniya adhyaya Pidika roga is said to occur as Bahya RogaMarga ashrita roga {}. Yuvan Pidika is described by Acharya Sushruta as a separate vyadhiin Nidana Sthana 13 and Chikitsa Sthana 20 under Kshudra rogas. Likewise Acharya Madhava and Vagbhatta have described Yuvan Pidikaunder Kshudra rogas and not in separate chapters. Acharya Sushrutahas mentioned 44, Acharya Vagbhatta 36 and Acharya Madhava hasquoted 43 Kshudra rogas. With the help of this clinical study we can conclude that this group of medicines and the treatment procedures are having a significant effect in treating the disease achne vulgaris. In this study two groups of patients have been taken, in one group combination of herbal medicines for external application is used along with a group of internal medicines(predefined) after suitable Panchakarma therapy & in second group an externally applicable cream produced by a multinational company& claimed very effective on acne vulgaris is used and assessed the effect on patients suffering from acne vulgaris with the help of different subjective and objective parameters, along with that we have observed the effect on overall quality of life of acne vulgaris patients before treatment and after treatment.

Biography :

Kartikey tyagi has completed his Bachelor of Ayurveda degree at the age of 25 years from H.N.B.Gharwal University, Shrinagar, U.K. and pursuing his M.D. studies from R.G. University of Health Sciences. He has attended many national & international seminars and workshops. He has presented 3 scientific papers in national & 2 scientific papers in international seminars. He has won the prestigious SHARANGDHAR award & KASHYAP award in the year 2005 and 2010 consecutively for his excellent academic performance in the field of ayurveda.
