
General Medicine: Open Access

ISSN - 2327-5146

Editorial - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 11

Editorial Note on Current Aspects of Disease Diffusion

Johnny Nick*
*Correspondence: Johnny Nick, Department of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland, Email:

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Editorial Note

When a disease is spread to a new site, it is called as disease diffusion. It indicates that a disease spreads outward from a core source. The idea of using a diffusion pattern to depict the progression of a disease is relatively new, compared to older mapping methodologies that are still in use today. The goals of disease mapping is to explain the spatial variation in disease incidence in order to formulate an etiological hypothesis, to identify areas of high risk in order to extend interference, and to provide a map of disease risk for a locality in order to increase risk readiness.

Many medical cartographers and geographers utilize Torsten Hagerstrand's early work on "waves of innovation" as the foundation for charting geographical dissemination. Growth diffusion, contagious diffusion, gradable diffusion, and relocation diffusion are four different types of disease diffusion. Network diffusion and mixed diffusion are both mentioned by Cromley and McLafferty. Communicable illness spreads in a 'wave' pattern, starting from a central source Pyle highlights hurdles that produce resistance to a wave of dispersion, which include but aren't limited to physiographic alternatives such as mountains, water bodies, political borders, language barriers, and in the case of illnesses, various management plans. Malady diffusion may be described as a typical distribution over time that has been converted into a constructed curve to show the phases of disease diffusion. Infusion, Inflection, Saturation, and Waning to higher limits are the stages.

Types of disease diffusion • Expansion diffusion occurs when a spreading development includes a supply and spreads outward into other locations, such as in a spreading inferno.

• Relocation diffusion occurs when a spreading disease migrates to other places, leaving behind its source or source of infection.

• Contagious diffusion is the spread of a communicable illness by persons coming into close touch with others who are afflicted.

• Hierarchical diffusion occurs when a trend spreads via an organised series of categories or locations.

• When a disease spreads through transportation and social networks, it's called network diffusion, and it "reflects the geographical and social architecture of human relationships."

• Contagious diffusion and gradable diffusion may be combined in mixed diffusion. AIDS is a prime example of a mixed diffusion disease in modern society, spreading mostly through gradable, network, and contagious dissemination patterns.

Public health practitioners are becoming aware of the significance of mapping and Geographic Data Systems (GIS) in helping to relate disease management to interference efforts, which might aid in designing more effective vaccination campaigns. GIS is a fantastic tool for determining spatial patterns and disease transmission hotspots. Malady maps will show which places are at low and high risk, as well as "physical and or sociocultural" variables that contribute to malady's spread. A geographic data system may be defined as a theoretical framework that enables the collecting and analysis of geographical and geographic data. GIS applications, often known as GIS software, are computer-based tools that allow users to conduct interactive queries, save and update geographical and non-spatial data, analyse spatial data output, and graphically convey the results of such operations by displaying them as maps. Geographic science is the scientific study of geographical ideas, techniques, and systems, which is usually initiated as GIS. Multiple technologies, procedures, approaches, and strategies make use of geographic data systems. They're linked to a variety of engineering, planning, management, transportation/logistics, insurance, telecommunications, and commercial operations and applications. As a result, GIS and site intelligence applications are at the heart of location-aware services that rely on geographic analysis and imagery.

Author Info

Johnny Nick*
Department of Medicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland

Citation: Nick J (2021) Editorial Note on Current Aspects of Disease Diffusion. Gen Med (Los Angeles). 9: e373.

Received: 08-Nov-2021 Published: 29-Nov-2021

Copyright: © 2021 Nick J. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.