
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594

Commentary - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 8

Customizing climate information and services for actors engaged in adaptation with a range of skills

*Correspondence: Watson Brey, Editorial Office, Journal of Climatology and Weather Forecasting, United Kingdom, Tel: +447915641605, Email:

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Improved attempts to provide and make better use of Climate Information And Services (CIS) are becoming more prominent along with greater calls in the public dialogue for action on adaptation to climate change. This Essay investigates user-provider interaction in CIS, drawing on research about CIS adoption for climate risk assessment and adaptation as well as our own real-world experiences. Three overlapping types of CIS transactions are recognised using the customer-tailor analogy: "off-the-shelf," "outsourced," and "bespoke." Customers who have "loyalty cards" and stick with the same provider are noticeable across all platforms. Then, we propose a series of questions to encourage further interaction and conversation between adaptation actors and providers. These inquiries could also be used to start conversations within groups that conduct CIS research and offer training, , as well as among participants in the governance of CIS systems, funders, and other institutions. Regardless of the technical and financial starting point of users and providers, such searching and timely conversations could advance a more tailored approach to CIS delivery.


Climate • Customize climate • Adaptation • CIS • Temperature


Some claim that the least developed part of CIS is the user interface and communication between users and suppliers. However, user surveys frequently concentrate on climate data and products (such as necessary variables or indices, geographical and temporal scales, data access portals, and planned applications) or the expertise of the user. Some acknowledge the significance of the supplier's credibility to customers, as well as the many social and scientific factors that influence (country) climate projections. It is also acknowledged that climate scientists often find it difficult to satisfy the expectations of consumers other than those who are highly technical and numerate like themselves. A good CIS provider, in the user's eyes: keeps in touch and Some claim that the user interface and interactivity keeps users informed of technological advancements, has in-depth industry knowledge, offers assistance and/or training to properly use climate services, is cost-effective or free, and provides data that are more reliable than information from other sources.

More dialogue and interaction between providers and users, including through co-production of climate services, a shift away from a product-focused, academic-driven, and data-oriented production mode to a more service-focused, context-driven, and decisionoriented, and institutions of science to incorporate social science in the delivery of decision-useful climate services, a "cultural turn in climate risk management" to combine climate services (science) with place-based narratives and Others provide doable advice on formalising collaborations, developing customer-focused programmes, increasing capacity, and getting feedback on services. While everyone agrees that there is a lack of useful and actionable climate data for guiding climateresilient decision-making, many argue that there is also a lack of good application of the data that is already available. On the other hand, good practise may not always be widely visible when it appears in grey literature and project experiences.

All the methods described above are It is obvious that CIS use and provision are crucial for strengthening. We do, however, suggest that the majority of these changes in science's culture, way of doing things, or governance structure will take a lot of work. Although we believe that such significant changes are unlikely to occur in the near future, it is critical that decisions about climate-resilient development plans and investments be made right away. Because of this, it is equally necessary to pursue incremental improvements in the supply and application of climate services so that crucial investment decisions are better supported, even while coordinated efforts are made to hasten these transformative changes. This essay uses the aforementioned literature as well as our own real-world experiences in climate adaptation to illustrate typical user-provider interactions. It should be noted that ours is a user-led to assist potential users and providers in navigating the complicated CIS landscapes and achieving the desired adaptation outcomes, a set of prompts is provided. Except where the mode of interaction is characterised by collaboration and/or co-production, we purposefully refer to "users" of CIS throughout the essay rather than "partners" or "stakeholders."

Off-the-rack shoppers want to buy a new suit but are unsure of what style will fit them the best (e.g., two or three pieces, something more flamboyant or professional-looking), nor do they have the time, money, or desire to hire a tailor. They don't interact with the suit maker; instead, they go to a chain retailer to buy a branded item to satisfy their alleged wants. The trouser length is not quite right, the jacket fits, and they later discover that the material is uncomfortable in hot weather. Outsourcing customers know roughly what they need (a nice, black, twopiece suit, for example), but they lack the time to visit stores. Based on extensive descriptions of the many brands that are offered and user evaluations, they browse online and choose a suit. Prior to delivery of the suit, there is little involvement with the manufacturer or wholesaler other than clicking on the provided criteria (size, colour, design, etc.) and then monitoring the status of their purchase. When worn in the daylight, the jacket and pants fit well, however the fabric weave and pattern are not quite as shown in the web photographs.

Work closely with a tailor who understands the type and colour of cloth that "bespoke shoppers" are looking for. 'Bespoke shoppers' can work closely with a tailor who has the abilities to make the desired suit since they have a solid concept of the type and colour of cloth they want. The tailor learns more about the decision-making processes and specific needs of various customers through personal and frequent interactions, which enables him to provide this and other clients with better service in the future. Customers also gain deeper insights into tailoring techniques and are better able to specify instructions in future orders. Users who may not always enter an encounter with defined aims or a solid understanding of the kinds of products and services needed are involved in the co-development of climate information. Users could lack technical expertise regarding the advantages and disadvantages of various information kinds or the subtle applications that can be made of such products. Service providers are hired to collaborate with users throughout the analytical process—typically as external consultants or research partners. Users' contributions include general data and strategies in addition to context for the analytical topics (e.g. considering the full range of scenarios to facilitate sensitivity analyses or stress testing options). The specification and implementation of climate information is driven by user requirements and informed by collaborative interactions between users and providers. according to the status of science. Collaborations between technical specialists and financial institutions taking part in the UNEP Financial Initiative (FITCFD )'s Banking Pilot Project are examples of this mode (UNEP FI 2020). Expert mentors guided international financial institutions through a series of modules for identifying, evaluating, and managing their physical climate risks and opportunities during this project. Participating banks built crucial internal technical capacity, expanded their analytics toolkits, and made progress toward "self-sufficiency" through practical risk assessment exercises. The decision context, analytical issues, and CIS requirements of financial institutions to manage physical climate risks were also better understood by sector experts and climate scientists at the same time. Such knowledge could eventually lead to greater relevance and utility of, and more subtle methods for providing CIS. For instance, to stress test water resource plans, the UK water sector has developed storylines of spatially extensive, multi-year droughts.

Along with maintaining observation networks as public assets, building technical expertise in managing climate risk, and contributing to national scenarios and assessments, government organisations and educational institutions play essential responsibilities as well. Additional duties for competent authorities could include creating guidelines, standards, and service ethics. By routinely compiling and sharing best practices, as well as exposing frauds connected to the improper distribution and use of CIS, climate experts and adaptation specialists can improve collective capability. More techniques and examples of the economic valuing of climate services are especially needed.

They could specifically be used by national hydromet agencies to consult on the range and structure of future climate estimates and services. By bringing up these issues, users and suppliers may engage in more fruitful discussions. As a result, users would be better able to evaluate the usefulness of the information being provided, and providers would gain from direct contacts by improving their technological strategies to make sure that the information and services are appropriate for the intended use. We think that a more concentrated user-provider conversation about these search queries offers a doable step in the direction of a more customised strategy. This article inherently frames topics via the prism of our own cultural experiences and perceptions. Nevertheless, our suggestion for more thorough questioning and listening on everyone's part is relevant in any CIS user-provider setting. Before users, knowing a lot or little about climate science, with or without the opportunity to pay, may acquire customised CIS, a long way still needs to be travelled. However, advancement is urgently required to direct investment decisions in adaptation and resilience in many contexts and at various levels of competence. To assist users and providers in determining how to increase the usability of CIS, we have proposed prompts. Users would be assisted in better articulating their vulnerabilities and goals for adaptation, attitude toward risk and uncertainty, decision context, operational constraints, capacities, and indicators of successful adaptation through these two-way interactions. Providers should devote time and resources to improving their sectoral knowledge, communicating key risks and uncertainties, developing more useful advice, and discovering what really matters.

Author Info

Editorial Office, Journal of Climatology and Weather Forecasting, United Kingdom

Citation: Watson B. Customizing Climate Information and Services for Actors Engaged in Adaptation with a Range of Skills. J Climatol Weather Forecast. 2022,10 (08), 001-002

Received: 12-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JCWF-22-20100; Editor assigned: 12-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. JCWF-22-20100(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Aug-2022, QC No. JCWF-22-20100(Q); Revised: 26-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. JCWF-22-20100(R); Published: 28-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2332-2594.22.10(8).377

Copyright: ©2022 Watson, B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.