
Journal of Kidney

ISSN - 2472-1220

Opinion - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 2

Chronic Kidney Diseases and Its Relationship with Obesity

*Correspondence: Vincent King, Editorial Office, Journal of Kidney, Belgium, Email:

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Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

The wide spreading obesity produces a key challenge in prevention of chronic diseases throughout the humans around the world. Supported via financial growth, automated transportation, increased inactive lifestyle, and a shift from nutritious, nourishing and balanced diet to processed foods and high calorie diets including fast foods and sweet beverages. Numerous nations have observed the prevalence of obesity in their people to double, and even multiply further, and these are mostly the developed nations or the developing nations. Since the past few years, obesity and CKD have raised parallelly and that too, globally. So now it has been a concerning disease to take care.

Obesity is multifaceted, but is fundamentally a preventable disease. It’s a systemic disease of white fat (white adipose tissue), that has now grown into a world-wide health problem. It is related to an adipocyte hormone (adipokine) imbalance, dis-regulation of the energy-balance system, metabolic homeostasis imbalances. To put it simple, it’s a disease involving excess body fat that rises the threat of future health problems.

In terms of biochemistry, obesity is mainly, the excess build-up of triacylglycerol’s in fatty tissue, which is the net effect of surplus energy intake per day in contrast to per day energy usage. It greatly increases the threat of chronic disease morbidity, like- Immobility, Depression, Type-II Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, etc. childhood obesity results in the premature onset of same conditions and even with greater probability in adulthood.

The pathophysiology after these ailments are a coalition of toxic metabolic effects of free fatty acids and adipokines. Presently, our largest gap in information is not about the number of threat factors, nor in their independent effect on threat, rather, how they interact with one another, is more important. Obesity is a consequence of energy imbalance in our body.

To put it more simply, obesity falls out by gulping in extra calories than are burned by workout and usual day-to-day conducts, leaving the body with excess energy and a state of positive energy balance. Deep communal and financial changes at levels well beyond one’s control is the result of this energy imbalance.

Basically obesity occurs due to Acquired Causes and Congenital/Genetic Causes.

Acquired Causes: Since the physical activities of children has decreased significantly, now their excess energy consumption as carbohydrate or fat has been associated to obesity. Also, other factors like- low birth weight at infancy can also be related to later obesity. Cushing’s syndrome is also related in causing truncal/visceral obesity, but it’s tough to discriminate from normal obesity. Although, ample of the weight gain in hypothyroidism is owed to water retention and that’s reversible after treatment of thyroid hormone; still, slight decrease in energy expenditure by hypothyroidism can add to weight gain usually, signals from gastro-intestinal tract and adipose tissue are combined in CNS in order to act on hunger plus energy homeostasis that limits weight gain, still pathological obesity can be a possible outcome from the miscarriage of these homeostatic mechanisms.

Congenital/Genetic Causes: Hippocrates said that “unexpected demise is more normal in naturally fat individuals as compared to the thin ones”, this supports the notion that few individuals are born with a congenital affinity to obesity. But then why will nature let such genes to be present? Maybe, specific populations had genes which determined better fat storing, that helped them take an upper hand for survival at the times of scarcity, but in current situation results only in Type-2 DM and Obesity. With exception to the unusual mutations causing acute morbid obesity, it looks like many genes with meek effect, add towards a person’s tendency to the more common obesity forms.

Example- Adiponectin Gene: It is an adipocyte derived peptide, having several measures to regulate energy homeostasis, lipid plus glucose metabolism. High adiponectin levels usually leads to weight loss, but polymorphisms of this gene have also been associated to obesity and insulin susceptivity

Osteoarthritis is among major causes of obesity, especially if in ankles and knees, it’s right away connected to trauma related with degree of extra body weight. However, the non-weight enduring joints can yet be affected by altered cartilage and bone metabolism.

Obesity is counted to be the 2nd most avoidable death cause besides smoking, but a new study concludes that costs behind healthcare of obesity surpasses the costs behind healthcare of smoking. Obesity is usually selfdiagnosable and self-treatable. According to WHO, a person is called obese when his/her BMI (Body Mass Index) is 30 or greater. Treatment consists of self-care through exercise, yoga, workout, weight loss, low carb and fat diet.

In simple words, CKD include disorders that harm the renals/kidneys besides reducing their capability to keep us healthy by performing their work. If renal disease gets worse, by-products build up to extraordinary levels in plasma ultimately leading to anaemia, weak bones, poor health and nerve damage. Also, it increases the chances of having complications like heart and blood vessel diseases, in later life.

To put it more simply, the kidneys filter by-products (waste) and additional fluid from the plasma. As kidneys fail, by-products build up and longstanding diseases of the kidneys lead to kidney failure.

Near about 2/3rds of the cases of chronic kidney diseases are caused by Diabetes, High BP and other disorders. Other conditions affecting the renals are: Glomerulonephritis, Inherited diseases (Example- Polycystic kidney Disease), Deformities that occur in developing foetus while it’s still inside the mother’s womb. Hindrances produced either by renal stones, tumours or an enlarged prostate gland in men. It is becoming an epidemic, despite recent progressions in management.

Author Info

Editorial Office, Journal of Kidney, Belgium

Citation: King V. Chronic Kidney Diseases and Its Relationship with Obesity. J Kidney. 2022, 08 (2),11.

Received: 14-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. jok-22- 16833(M) ; Editor assigned: 16-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. jok-22- 16833(PQ) ; Reviewed: 22-Apr-2022, QC No. jok-22- 16833(Q) ; Revised: 23-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. jok-22- 16833(R) ; Published: 29-Apr-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2472-1220.

Copyright: �© 2022 King V. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.