
Journal of Forensic Pathology

ISSN - 2684-1312

Opinion - (2022) Volume 7, Issue 4

Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis

Nikita Nawani*
*Correspondence: Nikita Nawani, Department of Bioscience, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India, Email:

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The goal of this article is to assess the generalizability of the results of published studies on the accuracy and reliability of fingerprint comparison to fingerprint laboratory casework and/or to provide information on the error rate of the Analysis-Comparison-Evaluation (ACE) method. We examine the 13 previously published investigations on the accuracy and reliability of fingerprint comparisons. Since criminal courts began accepting forensic fingerprint evidence approximately 120 years ago, these papers represent the whole body of experimental research published on the reliability of fingerprint comparisons. We begin with the two recent, sizable investigations by Ulery, Hicklin, Buscaglia, and Roberts in order to address the issues raised in the National Academy of Sciences report and to provide estimates of the accuracy and reliability of fingerprint comparisons. The other eleven experiments are reviewed and evaluated after the two Ulery et al. studies, taking into account any particular issues with each one. The 13 experiments are then assessed for issues that are present in all or the majority of them, particularly with regard to the applicability of the findings to laboratory case studies. The tests did not require examiners to utilize the ACE approach, nor was that method established, regulated, or evaluated in these experiments. Neither did the experiments use fingerprint test items that were known to be similar in type and particularly in difficulty to those found in casework. We conclude that new experiments modeled on these existing experiments cannot provide the fingerprint profession or the courts with information about casework accuracy and errors until there has been significant progress in defining and measuring the difficulty of fingerprint test materials and until the steps to be followed in the ACE method have been defined and measurable.

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Evidence based on fingerprint comparisons has been utilized in courts for 100 years. Evidence for the accuracy and validity of this evidence has only been sought in the last 20 years. We look at the study findings related to the precision and dependability of conclusions drawn from fingerprint comparisons. The following evaluation criteria were taken from the experiments and either published by the authors or computed using the available data. The proportion of times the examiners' judgments agreed in order to gauge how accurately the findings were drawn, ground truth was used.

Correct identifications and incorrect exclusions can be tabulated for samesource pairs. Correct exclusions and incorrect identifications can be calculated for various source pairs. We calculated the percentage of accurate findings for each experiment (combining correct identifications and correct exclusions). This metric served as a more all-encompassing gauge of correctness for us. This percentage was not mentioned in any of the tests' individual reports. Because they reflect a result that corresponds to the actual knowledge about the genuine source of each pair, we refer to the correct definitive of exclusion and identification as "suitable." Because they don't correspond with reality conclusions that have little value or are inconclusive can be characterized as "inappropriate." No experiment in the corpus presented its findings in this manner. We offer this classification because it gives us another indicator of how accurately the researchers in these trials came to their conclusions. The percentage of test items that obtained the same verdict from every examiner was the most common way to determine reliability. The percentage of examiners who agreed with one another on the answers they provided was another, less frequently reported, indicator of reliability. In a few studies, the same examiner repeated comparisons of the same latent-exemplar pairs at a later period without his knowledge, using a test-retest design. The proportion of times an examiner came to the same judgment is shown in their consistency. The 169 extremely skilled and knowledgeable latent print examiners were put to the test by the authors. The International Association for Identification (IAI), the FBI, or the laboratory where they worked all granted certification to the vast majority of them as being highly skilled and proficient. For a total of 17,121 trials, around 100 latent-exemplar pairings were separately given to each examiner. Overall, the latent and exemplar prints for 70% of the pairs came from the same source, whereas 30% came from distinct sources. So that no two examiners compared the same 100 pairs, the 100 pairs for each examiner were chosen at random from a pool of 744 pairs made by the experimenters. A disk containing his unique set of 100 trials was provided to each examiner. On their personal computers, the examiners conducted the experiment. After finishing, they sent the results and their findings back to the authors.

Each trial began with the display of a latent print without an exemplar, and the examiner was tasked with determining whether the latent included enough information of the right kind and quantity for identification, only for exclusion, or for neither. If it was decided that the latent print had no value, this judgment was noted, the associated exemplar never materialized, the trial for that latent print came to an end, and a new latent print arose. If the latent was determined to be useful for identification or exclusion, its matched exemplar then appeared alongside it, and the examiner had to decide whether the pair was useful for identification, exclusion, or inconclusive after doing an examination. A new latent surfaced when the examiner's conclusion was entered. There are three problems with this conclusion.

First, on a post-experiment questionnaire, the examiners were questioned about whether they regularly utilized the conclusion "of-value-onlyfor-exclusion" in their casework. Only 17% of respondents indicated yes. This strange conclusion may have been construed in a variety of ways by the remaining 83% of the examiners, resulting in inconsistent application among them. As a result, it is impossible to interpret the findings from this and the other value assessments of the latent prints. Second, although the experiment provided three levels of value judgments for the examiners to draw, the experimental design confused two of them. Examiners were still permitted to compare a latent when they believed it to be useful only for exclusion and then make conclusions that were inconsistent with the word "only" in the conclusion: they were permitted to conclude identification or inconclusive. The value judgment that had previously been recorded as "of value exclusively for exclusion" was subsequently changed to "of value." The following identification judgments in particular seem to go against the notion of "value-only-forexclusion." Each subject was to be shown around 100 pairs of fingerprints according to the design. The ideal design would have been to give each subject the same 100 pairs. This would have enabled common statistical tests to be performed on the 100 pairs' modified variables. This was not done by the authors.

Instead, the 100 pairs for each subject were chosen at random from the 744 pairs of latent and exemplar prints that made up the corpus. The trials' content varied depending on the subject, as a result. For instance, despite the fact that 30% of the 744 pairings were formed as different-source pairs, the 169 individuals only received between 26% and 53% of those pairs over their 100 trials, a two-to-one difference as a result of the random sampling from. The same-source couples experienced a similar range. Various subjects had different numbers of occurrences of the same-source versus different-source pairs, and different subjects had different pairs in particular. This variation, which can't be accounted for in data analysis, raises the experimenters' error variance. For the re-presentation of a chosen group of pairs, this issue returned. A unique set of pairs was distributed to each examiner. This made it impossible to tell the difference between inconsistent judgments brought on by challenging latent-exemplar pairs and inconsistent judgments brought on by inconsistency among various examiners. The confusion of test item reliability and experiment reliability limits the relevance of the data because the experiment's goal was to measure reliability. This restriction is not addressed by the authors. The authors did mention numerous times that some crucial analyses could not be performed because the trials' content varied from subject to subject. Most importantly, this error made it impossible to perform the majority of statistical significance tests on the experiment's variables. If the same pairs had been given to each examiner, this design problem would not have arisen.

Although the authors do not specify the number of times the same exemplar prints were shown to an examiner, repetition had to happen. The 744 pairs, for instance, were produced by the authors using a total of 356 latent prints and 484 exemplar prints. Each latent print required to be utilized at least twice (and possibly more than that depending on the authors' (unreported) efforts to reduce repetition) in order to create 744 pairs. Similar to this, almost two examples from each print had to be utilized, and there may have been more. The use of some of the same prints repeatedly introduces an uncontrollable factor of familiarity. One of the most powerful factors that improves accuracy in every perceptual task is familiarity. Unknown numbers of the prints that were utilized in this study might have benefited from numerous presentations. The repeated latent and exemplar prints should have been either eliminated from the data set or subjected to separate analysis in order to arrive at a more accurate estimate of an error rate.

Drug in a sneaky or coerced manner to the victim. Case studies in numerous nations have shown that young women are particularly affected by DFSA victimization, often as a result of opportunistic assaults following voluntary intoxication. The DFSA has identified youth leisure as the primary context of victimization, however numerous writers call for more research. The hunting model states that sexual opportunism fits the typical conduct of sexual attackers who choose their victims based on their level of vulnerability or their capacity to fend off an attack. Initiatives by the DFSA's criminal prosecution reflect the concern of the world community for the phenomenon. Drug-facilitated rape is classified as an injury act under the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes, and official guidelines for the forensic examination of substances that enabled sexual assault have been released. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development also lists the eradication of sexual violence against women as one of the major global challenges. To meet this problem, it is currently necessary to identify and recognize all types of sexual violence.

The inability to identify a particular type of violence makes it more difficult to address it and encourages its continuation. No one will be left behind is the exact motto of the 2030 Agenda in this regard. Despite being the primary kind of victimization in the DFSA phenomenon, opportunism is not sufficiently studied or understood. This circumstance most often arises from a focus of attention that has wandered from the main reality. In this regard, a number of studies warn against the proactive version of DFSA receiving frightening media coverage that diverts focus from opportunism. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an adequate study and identification of victimization by opportunistic DFSA and the challenges experienced by victims. The setting in Spain, where the hegemonic recreational nightlife model predominates and combines a pattern of leisure focused on the culture of self intoxication with a model of immediate sexuality, provides a useful foundation for this goal. In order to draw conclusions that are applicable to other communities that share the same recreational model, the analysis can help to better understand an issue that arises from the confluence of global influencing elements, such as the use of psychoactive substances and sexual violence. In-depth knowledge of the victimization by opportunistic DFSA, its causes, and how it endures in society is the goal of this study. To promote the adoption of a fresh perspective on the issue and raise public awareness of the seriousness of female victimization by this type of sexual violence.


We have criticized the experimental designs, the methods, the analyses, and the interpretations of these 13 experiments in the various sections above. We have come to the conclusion that they have flaws or inadequacies that prevent their results from being applied to casework, either individually or collectively; they do not provide acceptable estimates of error rates even in the context of the single experiment itself; and they do not provide any evidence of the accuracy or reliability of ACE. Numerous of these inferences are reinforced by evaluations of a single experiment, particularly those that focus on design errors, as well as by the variation in outcomes between experiments.

We have also come to the conclusion that the corpus of experiments taken as a whole cannot be generalized to casework. Many of the results show significant variation within and between examiners.

Given the lack of a clearly defined methodology, it appears likely that this conclusion's unreliability is a true finding. To prove the existence and magnitude of this variability, carefully planned experiments are needed. Even putting away all of these worries, don't these tests at least imply that fingerprint examiners have very low rates of incorrect identification?

Our answer is a resounding NO. None of these 13 investigations, and especially not the low rates given in their findings, can support an estimate of the rate of incorrect identification in fingerprint comparison casework.

No experiment was intended to be a replication of an earlier one, and none can be justified as even being a partial replication, despite the fact that the experiments were published over a 17-year period. The high degree of heterogeneity in the data implies that we still don't fully understand how accurate and reliable fingerprints are. Before useful research can be done to document the accuracy of fingerprint comparisons, three of the issues raised throughout our critiques must be addressed: developing a validated measure of latent print difficulty, exemplar print difficulty, and the difficulty of comparing prints to prints; being able to match test item difficulty to the range of casework difficulty; and providing accuracy and reliability evidence of the method (such as ACE) used by the researcher. Further studies of the kind presented here cannot yield estimates of either casework accuracy or the validity of the ACE technique until solutions to these issues are identified and validated.


We thank the patient for allowing the case description.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Author Info

Nikita Nawani*
Department of Bioscience, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India

Citation: Nawani, N. Chromatographic Fingerprint Analysis. J. Forensic Pathol. 2022, 07 (4), 023-024

Received: 10-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JFP-22-20507 ; Editor assigned: 12-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. JFP-22-20507 (PQ); Reviewed: 26-Jul-2022, QC No. JFP-22-20507 (Q); Revised: 31-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JFP-22-20507 (R); Published: 12-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2332- 2594.22.7(4).341

Copyright: ©2022 Nawani, N. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.