Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Roberto Gedaly

Roberto Gedaly
Department of Surgery
University of Kentucky, USA


Roberto Gedaly, MD is a practicing transplant surgeon and clinician-scientist who has earned both national and international recognition for his work with infectious complications, including hepatitis, in-patients undergoing liver resection and liver transplantation. His research has focused upon immunosuppressive strategies in liver transplantation. His current research seeks to define markers and prognostic indicators of hepatocellular carcinoma in an attempt to determine more effective therapies.
Doctor Gedaly is an Assistant Professor of Surgery within the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and is Chief of Transplantation at the University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center. After receiving a medical degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela in 1990, Doctor Gedaly completed his general surgery residency at the University Hospital of Caracas. He then completed a two-year fellowship in hepatobiliary and transplantation service at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center through the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts; a one-year fellowship in liver and GI transplantation at the Jackson Memorial Hospital at the University of Miami School of Medicine in Miami, Florida; and a two-year fellowship in transplantation at the Methodist University Hospital at the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. Doctor Gedaly joined the University of Kentucky in 2006. In addition to his clinical and administrative responsibilities as the Chief of Transplantation, he serves as a teacher and mentor to numerous medical students, interns and residents. He is actively engaged in medical and surgical societies, is a frequently invited guest speaker at meetings worldwide and has authored numerous publications appearing in leading peer-review journals and text books.

Research Interest

Research interests are HCC and hepatolobiliary and liver transplant.
