Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Jonathan RT Lakey

Jonathan RT Lakey
Associate Professor and Director of Research, Department of Surgery
University of California, USA


Dr. Jonathan Lakey has had a long interest and research direction in cell and tissue transplantation with a focus on diabetes and islet transplantation. Dr. Lakey graduated from the University of Alberta (BSc, MSc, PhD) and received post post-doctoral training in Indianapolis and Seattle before returning to establish his research program at the University of Alberta.  Dr. Lakey was also the Director of the Comprehensive Tissue Bank. He served as the Chief Scientific Officer and President for MicroIslet Inc, a public diabetes biotechnology company focused on Islet Xenotransplantation. Dr. Lakey is now the Director of Research and Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Lakey is now Director of the Clinical Islet Program at the University of California, Irvine, conducting the development of both the auto and allo islet transplant program. His contributions and partnership with Dr. James Shapiro led towards the improvement of islet isolation techniques and the development of the "Edmonton Protocol" for patients with Type 1 diabetes, a recognized major advancement in the treatment of diabetes. He has been awarded research grants and awards for diabetes and transplantation research from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR), Canadian Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International (JDFI). Dr. Lakey values the mentoring of MSc and PhD students in his research laboratory and supported training of technicians from several research and islet laboratories worldwide. He also sits on the Scientific Advisory Board for several diabetes biotechnology companies including NorMedex, Kent and DiaKine Inc., which has resulted in several industry supported research grants. Dr. Lakey has sat on several key regulatory boards establishing the safety standards for cell and tissue transplantation in Canada. Dr Lakey sits on the Biomedical Research Committee Advisory Board for One Legacy.

Research Interest

Dr. Lakey’s training and breadth of experience in this field ensure his research efforts will remain at the cutting edge of these technologies.
