Surgery: Current Research

ISSN - 2161-1076

Dr. Mark Antal

Dr. Mark Antal
Executive Editor
University of Szeged, Hungary


Dr. Antal is a Assistant Professor at the University of Szeged, where he has finished his university studies in Hungary. He has done professional internship in Halle-Wittenberg, Martin-Luther University, (Germany), Boston University, (USA) and New York University (USA). He has completed postgraduate studies in Operative Dentistry and Prosthodontics, and Oral Surgery. He has participated in several international conferences in tha past years as invited speaker. He is currently the president of Young Dentists Worldwide, member of the Education Comitte at FDI World Dental Federation and is an Honorary Lifelong Member of the International Association of Dental Students. He is member of the Hungarian Acedemy for Esthetic Dentistry and the Hungarian Implantology Association.

Research Interest

Dr. Antal  has special research interest in Esthetic Dentistry, Dental Implantology and Tobacco Cessation in Preventive Oral Medicine.
