Biological Systems: Open Access

ISSN - 2329-6577


Cheng Wang

Cheng Wang
Principal Investigator, Division of Neurotoxicology, National Center for Toxicological Research, Food and Drug Administration


Dr. Wang is currently the P.I. on 4 research protocols supported by the NCTR/FDA, National Toxicology Program and NICHD. He is currently responsible for leading a research team that provides unique and highly specialized skills in neural toxicology, pharmacology, systems biology and stem cell biology research. Dr. Wang has published about 60 peer-reviewed research articles in prestigious journals and 10 book chapters. Dr. Wang is an Editor-in-Chief of the book entitled “Developmental Neurotoxicology Research: Principles, Models, Techniques, Strategies, and Mechanisms.” He also serves on the editorial board of 3 reputed journals and as a reviewer of 10 other journals.

Research Interest

Dr. Wang Research Intersts includes Application of Systems Biology in Neurotoxicological Studies during Development, Activity-induced Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule, Potential Pediatric Anesthetic-induced Neural Cell Death and the Potential Role of Neurotransmission (Mechanistic Studies) and Mitochondrial DNA Damage and Expression Levels of DNA Repair Enzymes.
