Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594

Citations Report

Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting has got h-index 16, which means every article in Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting has got 16 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

61 60 18 4 29

Conference proceedings

0 6 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

216 207 56 45 34
Journal total citations count 1214
Journal impact factor 7.23
Journal 5 years impact factor 7.21
Journal cite score 5.95
Journal h-index 16
Journal Impact Factor 2020 formula
IF= Citations(y)/{Publications(y-1)+ Publications(y-2)} Y= Year
Journal 5-year Impact Factor 2020 formula
Citations(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)/
{Published articles(2016 + 2017 + 2018 + 2019 + 2020)}
Journal citescore
Citescorey = Citationsy + Citationsy-1 + Citationsy-2 + Citations y-3 / Published articlesy + Published articlesy-1 + Published articlesy-2 + Published articles y-3
Important Citations

Thakur, Disha, Ashok Kumar Gupta, and Rajiv Ganguly. "Characterization and Settlement Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste." (2019).

Rana, Rishi, Rajiv Ganguly, and Ashok Kumar Gupta. "Life-cycle assessment of municipal solid-waste management strategies in Tricity region of India." Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 21, no. 3 (2019): 606-623.

Nagaiah, V. "Research and Reviews: Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences."

Ahmed, Md Mazher. "Quality assurance & quality control in laboratories: a review." J Pharm Qual Assur 2 (2016): 26-31.

Ohanuna, C., V. E. Weli, and M. O. Nwagbara. "Atmospheric Visibility and Meteorological Characteristics of the Upper Troposphere Over Selected Cities in Nigeria." J Climatol Weather Forecast 9 (2021): 287.

Ajiere, Susan, and Peace Nwaerema. "Climate Change and Air Pollution: Implication for Human Health and Environment in Rivers State."

Gabriel, Guilherme Henrique. "Modos de variabilidade das precipitações no Estado de São Paulo: conexões locais, regionais e remotas." (2017).

Morrison, Alex, Gabriele Villarini, Wei Zhang, and Enrico Scoccimarro. "Projected changes in extreme precipitation at sub-daily and daily time scales." Global and Planetary Change 182 (2019): 103004.

????????, ?. ?., ?. ?. ??????, and ?. ?. ???????. "???????????? ??????? ????????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????????? ? ??????????? ?????????????? ????? ???????? ??????????." ?????????????. ??????????? ?????????? 75, no. 10 (2021): 477-480.

Sharma, Rika, Kesari Verma, and Bikesh Kumar Singh. "Regression-Based Approach to Analyze Tropical Cyclone Genesis." In Advances in Data and Information Sciences, pp. 77-87. Springer, Singapore, 2019.

Vassend, Olav Benjamin. "New Semantics for Bayesian Inference: The Interpretive Problem and Its Solutions." Philosophy of Science 86, no. 4 (2019): 696-718.

Jugran, Harshit Pant. "A Case Study towards Understanding the Impact of Changing Climatic Pattern on Village Resources in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR)."

DEN?Z, Mehmet, ?. N. E. L. Yusuf, and Adem SEZER. "ÜN?VERS?TE Ö?RENC?LER?N?N KÜRESEL ?KL?M DE????KL???NE YÖNEL?K FARKINDALIK ÖLÇE??." lnternational Journal of Geography and Geography Education 43 (2020): 252-264.

Chhogyel, Ngawang, Lalit Kumar, and Yadunath Bajgai. "Consequences of climate change impacts and incidences of extreme weather events in relation to crop production in Bhutan." Sustainability 12, no. 10 (2020): 4319.

Furnica, Valentin Constantin. "WUHAN LINEAR CLOUD."

Jaiswal, Rajasri Sen, Richa Dobal, K. Thirumala Laksmhi, and M. Siva. "In search of the origin of Corona virus." arXiv preprint arXiv:2008.10939 (2020).

Mukherjee, Saumitra. "RE: The 1918 flue, 100 years later." (2020).

Straser, Valentino, and Michele Casati. "Apotential relationship between cosmic rays and pandemics: from 1700 to."

Onanuga, Margaret Yejide, Adebayo Oluwole Eludoyin, and Ifeanyi Emmanuel Ofoezie. "Urbanization and its effects on land and water resources in Ijebuland, southwestern Nigeria." Environment, Development and Sustainability (2021): 1-25.

Hutchinson, Jamie Leanne. "Climate Change," Everestification", and the Future of Mountaineering on Annapurna I." PhD diss., Evergreen State College, 2020.
