Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594

James Watson

Department of Climatology, University of Bandundu, Congo, Congo


  • Opinion   
    The Unsung Force: Why Atmospheric Pressure Deserves More Attention
    Author(s): James Watson*

    Every moment of our lives is steeped in the presence of an invisible force—a phenomenon so constant that we rarely pause to acknowledge it. Atmospheric pressure, the weight of the Earth's air pressing down on everything at sea level and beyond, is an omnipresent yet often overlooked aspect of our existence. Its effects shape weather patterns, influence human biology, and even define the boundaries of life itself. Yet, in the realm of public discourse, atmospheric pressure remains a background player, overshadowed by more dramatic natural phenomena like hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. It’s time to shine a spotlight on this silent force and appreciate its profound impact on our lives and the planet... View More»

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