Editorial Board office, Surgery Current Research, Spain
Guidelines for Oral Surgery and its Phenotyping Procedure
Author(s): Harry Smith*
There is an increasing need for high-quality craniofacial standards based on 3D imaging technology given the present extensive use of 3D facial surface imaging in clinical and research settings. Creating an interactive, Webbased collection of 3D facial photos and measurements was the main objective of the 3D Facial Norms (3DFN) project. Users get access to both summary-level statistics and individual-level data, unlike other repositories, including genotypes from each individual in the collection as well as 3D facial landmark coordinates, 3D-derived anthropometric measurements, 3D facial surface photos, and genotypes. There are presently 2454 male and female participants in the 3DFN database, with ages ranging from 3 to 40. Four US locations were used to enrol the participants, who underwent screening for a history of craniofacial abnormalities. This article's objective is to intr.. View More»
10.35248/2161-1076.23.13.6. 453