Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594

Edwin Korir

Moi University, Kenya


  • Review   
    Climate Knowledge, Adaptation and Intensity of Adaptation Strategies among Farmers in the Slopes of Mount Kenya
    Author(s): Michael Ndwiga Jairo* and Edwin Korir

    This paper sought to give insights and inform policy on farmers' knowledge on climate change, the adaptation strategies and the intensity of adaptation. The research was carried out in Kirinyaga County in Kenya. Purposive sampling was used to select the county while random sampling was used to select the respondents. Primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire. The probit regression model, the multivariate probit model, and Poisson model were utilized. The findings indicate that farming experience, education, age of the farmer, ownership of livestock and growing of horticulture were key determinants of climate change knowledge. The farmers' adaptation to different strategies was influenced by; land size, age, gender, education, ownership of land title deed, ownership of livestock, growing of maize, location, and ownership of television. The intensity of adapt.. View More»

    Abstract PDF
