Dermatology Case Reports

ISSN - 2684-124X

Brigitte Peiger

ASOCEM Catholic University of Honduras- San Pedro and San Pablo (ASOCEM UNICAH-SPSP), San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras


  • Case Report   
    Kaposi's Sarcoma in HIV Positive Patient: Case Report
    Author(s): Suyapa Bejarano-Cáceres, César Alas-Pineda, Brigitte Peiger and Eduardo Borjas*

    Histology and pathology principles state that chronic inflammation and or chronic infections are known for causing cell dysplasias that may or may not progress to pre-malignant or actual malignant lesions. Even though Kaposi Sarcoma is not a prevalent issue among the Honduran community, healthcare providers have been struggling throughout the years when dealing with KS treatment and follow-ups due to public health limitations regarding chemotherapy access and actual medical specialists such as clinical oncologist and infectologist available across the north coast of the country. Thus, people must recur to private healthcare, which it is not affordable for the 65% of the entire Honduran population because you can find them below the poverty line, and 46% below the extreme poverty line. Being able to treat and follow a Kaposi patient is considered a high privilege among the Honduran hea.. View More»

    Abstract PDF
