Journal of Steroids & Hormonal Science

ISSN - 2157-7536

Anny Williams

Editorial office, Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science, Belgium


  • Perspective   
    The Role of Steroid Hormones in the Modulation of Neuroinflammation by Dietary Interventions
    Author(s): Anny Williams*

    Thyroid Hormone (TH) is a hormone that regulates metabolic processes that are important for appropriate growth and development as well as adult metabolism. Thyroid hormone levels are linked to body weight and energy expenditure, according to research. Excess thyroid hormone, or hyperthyroidism, causes a hypermetabolic condition marked by increased resting energy expenditure, weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, enhanced lipolysis, and increased gluconeogenesis. Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid hormone levels, is linked to hypometabolism, which includes lower resting energy expenditure, weight gain, higher cholesterol levels, decreased lipolysis, and decreased gluconeogenesis. TH animates both lipogenesis and lipolysis, despite the fact that when TH levels are raised, the net impact is fat shortfall. TH impacts key metabolic pathways that control energy balance by directing energy stoc.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/ 2157-7536.

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