Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Scien, Department of Biology, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Research Article
The Potential of Combined Curcuma xanthorrhiza Rhizome and Averrhoa blimbi Fruit Extract on Decreasing Blood Glucose Levels, Insulitis Degree and Liver Structure Repair of Diabetic Male Wistar Rats Streptozotocin Induced
Author(s): Kartiawati Alipin*, Nurani Istiqamah, Annisa Maryani and Madihah
Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. rhizomes and Averrhoa bilimbi L. fruits have been potential as anti-diabetic herbs. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose levels or hyperglycemia due to deficiency or ineffectiveness of insulin. The combined use of natural herb (polyherb) is expected to produce a holistic effect in maintaining health and treating disease. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and optimum dosage combination C. xanthorrhiza rhizomes and A. blimbi fruit extract as anti-diabetic herbs in decreasing blood glucose levels, improve pancreas histopathology and the liver structure repair of diabetic male Wistar rats induced by streptozotocin. Twenty-one rats were divided into eighteen diabetic and three nondiabetic rats. The diabetic rats were divided equally into six groups; treated with CMC 0.5.. View More»