
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594


Solutions and Practical Applications for Protecting, Restoring and Using Ecosystems as Climate Change Tools

Alice Twomey

The potential and problems associated with actual ecosystem management, restoration, and protection to support climate change mitigation and adaptation actions are the subject of our concluding section. Under the broad/overarching framework of NbS, or 'Natural Climate Solutions' (NCS), when the context is climate change mitigation, the ability to protect, restore, and employ ecosystems as tools to combat climate change has gained significant popularity. If 'maladaptive' NbS, such as non-native monoculture plantings, are avoided, NbS can contribute to reducing and limiting global warming while also potentially maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Give an outline of the concept of NbS and how it is gaining traction in international politics. They propose a novel conceptual framework that clarifies the function of NbS in integrating the ecosystem with the socioeconomic system, as well as examples of how NbS can lessen the overall vulnerability of the social–ecological system with careful and equitable application.
