
Reconstructive Surgery & Anaplastology

ISSN - 2161-1173


Reconstruction of maxillary defect and orocutaneous fistula by Free Latissimus Dorsi Myo Cutaneous flap. - A Case Report

Shailendra Singh, Deepanjali Kalra, Manisha Singh, Himadri Joshi, Charmi Bodra, Jay Adeshra, and Rajvee Gohil

Many different pedicled or free flaps used for coverage of post oncological defects in cases of oral malignancies. Here we are presenting case of patient with maxillary defect with orocutaneous fistula in operated case of maxillary SCC and two attempts of previous reconstruction by temporalis muscle flap and forehead flap; which were unsuccessful. We reconstructed defect of patient with help of Latissimus Dorsi free flap taken from ipsilateral chest. We modified it and made the skin paddle as Bipaddle, the inner one was used to reconstruct the palate and the outer one was used to close the orocutaneous fistula and muscle was used to fill the soft tissue defect. Latissimus Dorsi free flap is the versatile option used in this case of post-recurrent maxillary carcinoma with orocutaneous fistula. Its robust blood supply, bulkiness, skin paddle, large vascular pedicle length and diameter makes it a workhorse flap for reconstruction of defects.
