RobertoChacur,HonórioSampaioMenezes,NÃÂveaMariaBordindaSilva,DanuzaDiasAlves,Rodrigo Cadore Mafaldo, Leandro Dias Gomes, Gisele dos Santos Barreto
Background: Many techniques for buttocks augmentation have been developed and published, for a more natural, satisfactory, and safe result for the patient. It has been a challenge to find a technique that presented not only volume gain but also gluteal remodeling. Methods: A total of 1,681 patients who underwent gluteal augmentation with Polymeth- yl methacrylate (PMMA) between 2009 and 2018 were selected for this retrospective co- hort study. Data collected included demographics, procedures data, and postoperative outcomes. Side effectswere calculated and compared using the Student’st test. Results: A total of 1,681 patients (1,583 women and 98 men) who underwent 2,770 gluteal fillings had their cases retrospectively analyzed.Theywere injectedwith 540,751.00mL of PMMAinjected.The patients’meanagewas 39 years, and themean volume injected ineach sectionwas 237mL during the first procedure and 147mL during the second procedure.The authors observed 52 cases presenting side effects, representing a rate of 1.88% of 2,770 procedures carried out. The statistically significant (P = 0.02) presence of side effects was detected in relation to the total filling volume. Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that gluteal augmentation with PMMA is one of the best options for this type of procedure.Inaddition,the findingssuggestthatthe guidelinesconcerning gluteal augmentation must include PMMA filler asanoptionbecausePMMAprovedtocausefewsideeffects,asdemonstrated bythis patient cohort.