
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594


Editorial Note: Journal of Climatology and Weather Forecasting

Jennifer J

It is a source of pride and joy to announce that during the year 2020, all of the issues of volume 8 were released online ahead of schedule, and the print issues were also printed and distributed within 30 days of the issue being published online. Eminent experts from all across the world have mentioned the articles published in Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting 132 times. All of this journal's articles are indexed and abstracted by Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, Publons, World Cat, and a variety of other databases. The impact factor of the journal is 0.96. For quality control in the review process, the journal employs the Editorial Manager System. Editorial Manager is a system for submitting, reviewing, and monitoring manuscripts online. Review processing is handled by members of the Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting's editorial board or outside experts; any citable submission must get the approval of at least two independent reviewers, followed by editor approval. Authors can submit manuscripts and watch their progress through the system, with the hope of seeing them published. Reviewers can access manuscripts and provide feedback to the editor. The entire submission/review/revise/publish process can be managed by editors. The success of any scientific magazine is measured by the number of visitors, and the Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting continues to attract viewers from all around the world.
