Crop production is a vital element of agriculture in Nigeria. Climate change alters climate variables, but climate variability affects crop yield directly by influencing crop growth and development. Rice production is important in ameliorate the climate by removing methane from the atmosphere. Farmers in Ebonyi are becoming more involved in rice cultivation operations, which help to moderate climate conditions. Data on important climate variable were assed from FMARD, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Development report 2020 to validate the impact of rainfall onset and cessation on moderation of climate impact [1]. The resulting impact relating to rainfall such as flood or dry spell in the study area within the period of 2019 and 2020 farming season. This season, coincided with the period of COVID 19 with many constraints both natural, human or pandemic induced on the rice production were assessed with a comprehensive questionnaire. A total of 104 rice producers (28 Processors, 76 farmers) were sampled randomly in 3 communities in Ikwo. Majority of respondents attributed the high cost of rice in 2019/2020 farming period to challenges other than COVID 19 related causes (68%) [2]. Using appropriate statistical tools, response from the farmers were analyzed while climate data (rainfall) from the FMARD reports was used to compare resulting effect of flood or dry spell (1%) in 2019 and 2020 respectively [3].The study were guided with 4 clear objectives as follows • Characteristics of the Ikwo rice farmers. • Developing a frame work COVID 19,rainfall related impacts(flood/dry spell) and rice production challenges. • Finding out the perceived impact of COVID 19 to rice farming in 2019/2020 farming season • Find out if flood and dry spell recorded are related to onset/cessation of rain in the studied period. Major problems in the study area were identified as inadequate provision of funds/capital (79%),inadequate input provision (67%) are forces leading to high cost of rice produced within the study period [4]. Finally, corresponding recommendations of best management practices on how to tackle the outlined challenges in situations such as the pandemic alteration period in the future were made emphasis on relevance of Ebonyi State, women as the major available labor force in rice farm clearing glaringly noted could be encouraged with adequate funds, input, extension services and basic climate information especially in situation such as the pandemic era in 2019 [5].Also this study highlighted labour shortage was overcomed due to increasing women participation within the period (79%) Ikwo women are crucial to improving agricultural productivity and food security in the state. Therefore, women farmers empowerment in this agricultural community is highly recommended to boost rice output in the community and the state