
Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting

ISSN - 2332-2594


A brief study of Climate change, Plastic Paradox and conversion of CO2 at different diversities of industrial sector, becoming longer and more extreme around the world, tropical storms becoming more severe due to Warmer Ocean water temperatures. We need to combat climate, Plastic inconsistency and adapt CO2 for immediate remedy.

Azizul Haque*

The environment is where we all meet and where we all have a mutual interest. Sadly, global warming, deforestation, pollution of water, degradation of soil, and plastic pollution are all obvious signs that we have constructed an unsustainable world for future generations. There is more CO2 in our atmosphere than at any time in human history. Temperatures are rising worldwide due to greenhouse gases trapping more heat in the atmosphere and mysterious leaks in major gas pipelines that connect Russia to Europe. The planet is in crisis, and we must take decisive action to stop the damage and to restore its health. So, nature must be at the heart of our climate actions before we run out of time. Moreover, regenerating nature is one of the biggest contributions we can make towards tackling climate change and improving livelihood. One of the most powerful solutions to protect oceans is to stop the planet heating. Oceans absorb 25% of all carbon dioxide emissions and capture 90% of the heat generated from that pollution. Our ultimate goal is to build a net-zero, climate-resilient planet that people want to live in. We can promote economic growth, eradicate extreme poverty, and improve people's health and well-being by acting today. Turning CO2 into valuable Products, benefits of low carbon chemical industries in the upcoming world, Recyclable plastics out of CO2 to slow climate change, Plastic Paradox and Reusing 1 kg of clothing to saves 25 kg of CO2 are the vital issues of the Universe, now (Figure 1).
