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Crime and Desistance

Author(s): Tony Ward

The ways that people on delving tend to allow about crime can offer important cues about whether they will continue or reject a felonious life. A number of erstwhile studies hav..View More»


An Overview of Prosthodontics

Author(s): Himanshi Aggarwal*

Prosthodontics is one of the part of dentistry that relates to the conclusion, treatment arranging, restoration, and upkeep of oral capacity, solace, appearance, and wellbeing o..View More»


Current Update in Psychological Abnormalities

Author(s): Stella Brown

O..View More»

Value Added Abstract

A prescription for improvement: Health and Safety Measures

Author(s): Abdeen Mustafa Omer

The strategy of price liberalisation and privatisation had been implemented in Sudan over the last decade, and has had a positive result on government deficit. The investment la..View More»